Conference Program

Subject to change


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Georgia Tech Europe
2-3, rue Marconi, Technopôle Metz 2000, 57070 Metz
19:00 - 21:00

Welcome Reception
(A bus will be at participats' disposal for this trip Nancy-Metz-Nancy.
Departure from Nancy near the train station at 6 PM)


Thursday, November 5, 2009

NANCY Palais des Congrès - Rue grand Rabin Haguenauer
09:00 AM – 5:45 PM

09:00 - 10:00


10:00 - 10:30

Welcoming Remarks - Amphi Gallé

François LE POULTIER - President of Université Nancy 2
Jérôme CABY - General Director, ICN Business School
Silvester IVANAJ – Conference chair

10:30 - 12:00

Building sustainable technology and innovation systems

Chair: Prof. Corinne GENDRON - ESG-UQÀM, Montreal, Canada

David O'Brien Distinguished Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at Concordia University
Driving Sustainable Innovation

Director of Georgia Tech's Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems, Georgia Institute of Technology
Understanding and Engineering the Complexity of Sustainable Urban Systems

Prof. Corinne GENDRON
Chairholder and professor. Chaire de responsabilité sociale et de développement durable. ESG-UQÀM, Montreal, Canada.
Sustainable development through social and organizational innovation?

The Radcliffe Killam Distinguished Professor of International Business, Director, Center for the Study of Western Hemispheric Trade - Director, International Trade Institute
Codes of Conduct and other Multilateral Control Systems for MNEs: Has the Time Come - Again?

12:00 - 13:45

13:45 – 14:00

Welcoming Remarks : to be confirmed


14:00 - 16:00

Innovative practices for sustainable development
Chair: Michael MATLOSZ, Director of ENSIC-INPL


Coca-Cola Entreprise
Our 20/20 commitment
Arnaud Rolland, head of the Coca-Cola Entreprise's sustainable unit

Xerox Corporation
Introducing sustainability to the research labs: Xerox case study
Patrick MAZEAU, Manager Customer Led Innovation, Xerox Innovation Group

Schneider Electric
New technologies and sustainable development at Schneider Electric
Christian WIEST, International Operating Division, Executive Vice President

Monsanto Company
Research and agronomic innovation's contribution to sustainable development. Reflexion over the index and indicators currently being elaborated to measure the development of a sustainable agriculture
Michael DOANE, head of the Monsanto's sustainable unit in the US

IProD: The European Center for Integrated Product and Process Development
Michael MATLOSZ, Director of ENSIC-INPL

An overview of the sustainable development policy in Total
Jean Paul GOURLIA, Vice-President for the Energy Program in the Corporate Scientific Division

16:00 – 16:15
Coffee break

16:15 – 17:45

 Concurrent Panel 1 
Room: Boffrand

Determinants of innovative behavior for Sustainable Development
 Chair: Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University - Bristol, USA

P. - A. GOUREAU, Internal auditor at Compagnie des Alpes, France
Risk & Sustainable Development: Application of a Risk Evaluation Method Based on the Fuzzy Logic

J. BELIN - GREThA, University Bordeaux IV - PESSAC, France; J. HORBACH - University of Applied Science, Anhalt Bernburg, Germany; V. OLTRA - GREThA, University Bordeaux IV - PESSAC, France.
An econometric analysis of the determinants of eco-innovative activities of firms: a comparison between France and Germany based on the Community Innovation Survey

J. PARREIRA, Z. MULLARD, M. VáSQUEZ and J. MEECH, The University of British Columbia - Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering - Vancouver, Canada
How Automation and Key Performance Indicators (KPI'S) Contribute to Sustainable Development in the Mining Industry

 Concurrent Panel 2  
Room: Jean Lamour

Strategic choices for Sustainable Technologies and Innovations
 Chair: Krista FINSTAD, ICN Business School, Nancy, France

, Empa - St. Gallen, Switzerland and A. KOEHLER, Delft University of Technology - Delft, Netherlands
Strategies for Sustainable Innovation in Emerging Technologies

A. AVADIKYAN and P. LLERENA, BETA - Université de Strasbourg - Strasbourg, France.
A Real Options Reasoning Approach to Hybrid Vehicle Investments

G. LE BOULCH, Paris Dauphine University / ADVANCIA - PARIS, France and R. OUDGHIRI, IPSOS Marketing - Paris Cedex 13, France
Sustainable development, a new source of inspiration for marketing innovation?

 Concurrent Panel 3 
Room: Héré

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
 Chair: Stanislas D'EYRAMES, ICN Business School, France

S. BERGER-DOUCE, IAE Valenciennes / LARIME - Valenciennes, France and C. SCHMITT, ENSAIA Nancy / CEREFIGE - Nancy, France
Entrepreneur profile and Sustainable Innovation Strategy

S. BHALE, MIT SOT - Pune, India
Entrepreneurship Development at Small and Micro Level: Key for Sustainable Economic Development

F. PICHAULT & C. GRUSLIN, HEC-ULg, HEC-ULg, Liege, Belgium
Extending future managers' mindsets in disruptive moment, a challenge for an inter-disciplinary curriculum in a business school - HEC-ULg “Strategy and CSR” seminar case study.


19:30 - 23:00

Gala Dinner, Nancy City Hall

Distribution of Awards

Friday, November 6, 2009

NANCY Palais des Congrès - Rue grand Rabin Haguenauer, 54000 Nancy
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM


9:00 - 10:45

ROUND TABLE - Amphi Gallé
Opportunities and constraints for sustainable technologies and innovations

Moderator: Prof. Paul SHRIVASTAVA
David O'Brien Distinguished Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at Concordia University




Director of Georgia Tech's Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems, Georgia Institute of Technology

Senior Policy Analyst (Project Manager, Sustainable Manufacturing & Eco-innovation)- Structural Policy Division (SPD) - OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI)

Olivier DAMBRICOURT, Directeur Partenariat R&D

Xerox Corporation
Doris Gautronneau, Integrated Marketing, Learning & Development Manager

Procter & Gamble
Sergio Barbarino, Principal Engineer, R&D Process Breakthrough, Brussels Innovation Centre

10:45 – 11:00
Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30

 Concurrent Panel 4  
Room: Boffrand

The sustainability of innovation
 Chair: Francis ULGADO, Georgia Institute of Technlogy

, Nottingham University Business School - Nottingham, United Kingdom
Software Marketing and e-Waste

N. D'COSTA (VAZ), Karnatak University - Dharwad, India
Implementation of CRM technology in Indian public sector banks for sustainable development of customer relationships

S. BEHEIRY, The American University of Sharjah - Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Benchmarking Sustainable Technology Use in Construction Projects

 Concurrent Panel 5  
Room: Jean Lamour

Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Logistics
and Customer Relationships
 Chair: Alain Durand , ENSIC-INPL, Nancy, France

and R. GUIMARAES, ICN Business School - METZ, France
Eco-logistics Improvement: Towards a Global Consideration of Inland Waterways Transport within the Supply Chain Strategy

M. KLUMPP, S. BIOLY, FOM University of Applied Sciences Essen, Institute for Logistics and Service Management (ILD) - Essen, Germany and S. ZELEWSKI, University Duisburg-Essen, PIM, ZLV - Essen, Germany
Sustainability and Technology Innovation in Logistics: Friends or Foes?

A. INEMEK, University of Antwerp - Antwerp, Belgium
Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Global Sourcing: The Impacts of Global Supplier Management and Collaboration on the Supplier Firm's Performance and Innovation.

 Concurrent Panel 6  
Room: Héré

Corporate Governance and Regulatory Framework
 Chair: Gunter SCHUMACHER, ICN Business School

, Delhi university - DELHI, India
Appraisal of Corporate Governance Norms for Indian Corporate Enterprises: A Case Study of Satyam Computers

M. TEHRANI, Roger Williams University - Bristol, United States of America
Emerging Markets and Sustainability: The Case of NAFTA

A. GHARAGOZLOU, Geomatics College of National Cartographic Center of Iran - Tehran, Iran and M. HEJRANI DIARJAN, National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC) - Tehran, Iran
Role of Geo-referenced Information and Environmental Planning for Sustainable Development in Iran

12:30 – 14:00

14:00 – 15:30

 Concurrent Panel 7 - FRENCH
Room: Boffrand

Tools for sustainable development
 Chair: Pierre BARDELLI, ESM-IAE, Univiversity Paul Verlaine, Metz

IAE, University Nancy2, Nancy, France
E-learning, long live learning and sustainable development: The French secondary school managers case.

P. BARTHEL, ESM-IAE Metz - Metz, France and V. IVANAJ, ENSIC Nancy/CEREFIGE, France
Place de l'innovation dans l'argumentation des communications publicitaires orientées Développement Durable

Opérationnalisation d’une stratégie de développement durable par un système de tableaux de bord : une démarche innovante qui combine « Méthode OVAR » et « Balanced Scorecard »

 Concurrent Panel 8  
Room: Jean Lamour

Sustainable Development Trends
 Chair: Eric Favre, ENSIC-INPL, Nancy, France

& F. MARCHAL, ICN Business School, Nancy, France
Dematerialization of Information Systems: A Revolution is Taking Shape

V. IVANAJ - ENSIC Nancy/CERFIGE, France ; S. IVANAJ - ICN Business School France & J. R. MCINTYRE - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.
Technology and Innovation for sustainable development: mapping the evolution of the research through co-word analysis.

A. GHARAGOZLOU, Geomatics College of National Cartographic Center of Iran - Tehran, Iran and M. HEJRANI DIARJAN, National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC) - Tehran, Iran
Using GIS/RS for Flood Management (A case study about flood in Golestan).