Submission guidelines
All submissions will be made through an online submission system which will open on April 15, 2023. The link for the same will be shared on this website shortly.
All submissions must be in English.
Each submission must state on its front page at the top right the Track for which the submission is intended.
Extended abstracts should be written in English and should contain about 1500 words, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt font. They must contain the following information: title, theme, names of all authors, their affiliation(s) and contact information, context, research problem, methodological instrumentation, main results, conclusions, limitations and references (APA standards).
Since one of the objectives of the MESD’23 is to create a link for exchange and discussion between researchers and practitioners, the proposals may correspond to research in progress. (However, they must be original, i.e. unpublished or under review by a journal)
Submissions to MESD’ 23 must be original and must not already have been published or accepted in a journal or conference proceedings nor presented at another conference. Further, they must not be currently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere.
Participants are requested to make no more than two submissions. At least one author of every accepted submission must register for the conference.