Welcome to MESD 2009


Dear Conference Participants,

We take great pleasure in inviting you to the second Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development International Conference (MESD 2009). This conference is co-organized by the ICN Business School, Nancy, France, the CEREFIGE (Centre Européen de Recherche en Economie Financière et Gestion des Entreprises - a multi-university European business research consortium), Nancy-Metz, France and the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.

Strategic choices for technology and innovation have become key success factors in implementing sustainable development policies. The 2009 MESD Conference focuses on the issue of Strategies for Sustainable Technologies and Innovations. This event , an excellent opportunity to discuss and address questions at the core of sustainable strategic management, is designed for management scholars, economists, lawyers, sociologists and those in relevant engineering fields. We encourage participants to consider and share potential answers to questions such as why, when and how innovative and strategic technological choices will be made and deployed. We will also compare worldwide corporate policies and best practices.

We are looking forward to a rigorous and focused exchange of ideas. From this, we will publish selected papers and presentations in a proceedings book and in a special issue of international business journals to enrich a growing body of policy and management literature.

Lorraine, as the conference venue , is a vibrant regional economic capital exemplifying many of the challenges and opportunities raised by corporate sustainable development initiatives on the threshold of this new century.


Conference Co-chairs
Silvester Ivanaj, Vera Ivanaj, John McIntyre